How do I stay safe on my mission?In this week's episode, our friend Josh recounts his experiences in Estonia. Josh shares many experiences, including learning about Russian Superstitions, a time he was protected by the Lord from being kidnapped, and overcoming depression after returning home. Josh also shares his advice to those called to the Baltic States, and the amazing faith of the members, many of whom are pioneers in a country ranked among the most Atheist in the world. Listen to the end to hear Josh's testimony in Estonian, a language widely considered to be one of the most difficult to learn in the world.
What if I'm physically attacked on my mission? Hayden shares his love of the Argentinian culture, his testimony of the gift of tongues, and...
And Kennadee settles the question between Zack and Jordan, which is better, stateside or Brazil?
Charity spent the entire 18 months of her missionary service in the smallest geographic mission in the world, just 5 acres! She could walk...